Why Our Projects Are Important?
They Bring More Business to Your Business!
The year was 1995 and, having just begun a journey into the world of computers, we were ready for all the new possibilities in that world. We had headed north to a favorite resort for some fishing and R&R. The owners had recently been convinced that they should have a website, purchased the design of one and were — hopefully — on their way to become wealthy because of it.
Looking at the site, we quickly decided that “we can do better than that”. Fast forward to 1998 and, a business plan literally jotted down on a bar napkin, resulted in numerous attempts at designing websites with unfamiliar software (and a few failures) – in the early days – we built our first “real” website… for those same resort owners.
Long story very short, that site allowed the owners to sell their resort for a great deal more than they had expected. And we were on our way to a 25+ year successful business venture that has allowed us to design more than three dozen websites (a few of which are highlighted below) that have all been very successful for their owners, as well as for Northern Sky Designs.
After numerous “lessons”, several iterations of website software, hosting companies and servers… and several more lessons that involved update after update, we are still here… successful, waiting & wanting to help you “bring more business to your business”. That’s what we do best here at Northern Sky Designs, where you can concentrate on your business and we will concentrate on the rest!